31 March 2010

To Grow or Not To Grow...

I was just thinking that my blog is a little bit boring. Was just reading another blog and thinking how much personality comes through in the blog. I don't think mine is like that. I used to be better at blogging but... I don't know. Maybe I just need to try harder.

I have to say, I'm really loving my new hairstyle. It's so user-friendly! I don't have to brush it, and it dries almost instantly after a shower (instead of the usual hundred years it used to take to dry.) It's light and cool and comfortable, I don't know why I didn't decide to shave my head a long time ago! A part of me wondered if I was going to miss my hair, but I DON'T! AT ALL!

There's only one reason I can think of for growing my hair out again. Well, no, there's two reasons, the second being that I'll probably just get lazy and not bother to keep it short and forget about it. The first reason is a kind of a silly, shallow, silly reason... and it's that it seems to me that a lot of the male members of our species like long hair on girls. Also, I'm not particularly feminine with or without hair. I'm a bit of a tomboy, I mostly wear jeans, and although I certainly have a female shape and I'm not likely to be mistaken for someone who's not female, I guess my long hair was always a part of me that was feminine. Even if I never really did much with it but tie it back in a ponytail.

That's the main reason I can think of for deciding to grow it long again, as much as my hair was a pain, but it's not like it's going to make much of a difference in my life in that regard, anyway. It still has a bit to grow before I need to make that decision.

28 March 2010


I went to Phillip Island this weekend and I got back today. It was really good, the focus of the weekend was worship, and we learned two different Hebrew words for worship - hawa, which means "facedown" worship, it is what someone does when they realise they are in the presence of greatness. It is being in awe, speechless. In order to experience this for God, one has to know God, in order to recognise His greatness. Like seeing a celebrity in the street, if you don't know who the celebrity is or recognise them as a celebrity, it does not do much for you.

The second word we learned was abad - to work, to serve, to honour, to surrender, to worship. This is being a living sacrifice to God, where every aspect of your life is given to God, for God. When you are at work, you do your work in honour of God. When Adam was placed in the garden of Eden to tend the garden, the word abad was used to mean work. His work was an act of worship.

24 March 2010

Phillip Island, Arthritis Awareness Week

I'll be going to Phillip Island on the weekend. I was talking to my Uncle on Skype the other day, and he said, "Isn't it a bit early to go to Phillip Island?" and I said, "I'm pretty sure Phillip Island exists all year round." He was thinking of the Motorcycle Grand Prix, I suppose, which my (direct) family goes to every year.

I'm going for this church thing, and without my family. I'll tell you how it goes, if I feel like it.

By the way, it's arthritis awareness week this week, and a friend of mine who I went to highschool with has recently started a blog about living with rheumatoid arthritis. It's worth having a look at. She's the same age as me, that is, in her twenties.

14 March 2010

Naked Head

Yesterday, I shaved my head. There were some friends over who witnessed it and made it fun. Now that it's happened and over and done with... I feel good about it. I have no regrets. It feels like a weight has been stripped away. I'm still getting used to seeing my reflection, though, although it's growing pretty fast. Twenty-four hours ago my head was smooth. Today, my head is fuzzy and my hair are all tiny little pins which hurt my head when I run my hand over it. (Yet I can't help myself- it feels so fuzzy!) and when I wear this beanie that my friend got me, the hair sticks to the wool so that when I remove the beanie, it's like pulling apart velcro.

Anyway, it's growing on me. (Get it? Growing on me? Hair?) I mean, the look is growing on me. Not that I intend to keep it this way, I still plan on letting it grow (although maybe keep it a bit shorter than I had it before from now on.) But I don't mind it. It's different.

People are telling me I pull bald off pretty well. Which is good to know, considering I just shaved all my hair off.

13 March 2010

Chamelion Ring

I had some dreams last night/this morning. I've forgotten most of it but I'll mention what I remember...

There was a man, I suspect he may have actually been somebody I know but I don't remember who, although he could have just been some random dream-man my mind made up - but he gave me a ring, I was worried he was proposing to me, but decided that he probably wasn't. The ring had this GIGANTIC fake plastic diamond on it, like, it was bigger than my hand and remarkably gaudy. Not the kind of thing I'd normally like but I liked this guy, so I took it and put it on my hand. Once I did, the diamond started shrinking and changed to the colour of my shirt, (which was red, I think), and the diamond melted into this tiny pool in the ring, so it looked more like a mood ring, but it was a chamelion ring, it was actually kind of cool. Then I placed my hand near my jeans, and the ring turned blue. I experimented, when I placed my hand near different things, it turned those colours, but when I kept my hand away from anything, it turned back into the giant, gaudy, fake diamond.

I was talking to this guy and decided I liked him but I didn't want to marry him, because he'd already been in a number of failed marriages and I didn't want to just be the next in line of his failed marriages.

There was something else, too... I can't really remember, though.

02 March 2010

The Bus Driver

On days when I have TAFE, quite often the bus driver is the first person I interact with on that day.

Today, before I left the house, I counted enough change for the bus. I was running low on change, however, and only really had just enough, but I did count, and made sure I had enough for the ticket. In fact, I had 5c extra for the ticket, so I was good.

When the bus came, I asked for a daily ticket and gave my change to the bus driver. A lot of it was in 10 and 20 cent coins so he counted as I gave it to him. As he was still counting, he gave me back a 10c coin, because it was in New Zealand currency. I had not noticed this when I counted it earlier that morning, but when he handed it back, I knew I wouldn't have enough. Still, I thought, I'd only be 5c short, and hoped that maybe he'd be kind.

But when he counted it, he said, "I still need 15 cents."
I said, "I'm sorry, that's all I have," so he took back the ticket from my hand he gave me earlier. I asked for a 2 hour ticket, instead, and gave him the money for that. He gave me a 2 hour ticket, and then, with disdain in his voice, he said,
"You didn't actually expect me to give you a free 15 cents, did you?" as if I was intentionally trying to short him the whole time.

Most people accept the occasional New Zealand coin in Australia, anyway. It's not like I've ever been to New Zealand, so the only reason I would've had a New Zealand coin in the first place was because I received it as change from someone else in Australia. Still, I suppose it was his right to not accept it, but taking that into account, there was still five cents unaccounted for. (10 cents, really, since I had an extra five cents when I left the house.) I have no idea what happened to the missing ten cents, although the bus driver did drop a couple of coins while he was counting them, maybe he missed one when he picked them up again? Or maybe I just miscounted three times when I checked earlier that morning that I had enough change. I suppose it's not his fault that I didn't notice that one of the coins was New Zealand and that I was still another five cents short, but it's not like I tried to argue with him about it, either, even though a lot of people would've. I accepted it and just got a 2-hour ticket instead, even though it meant I had to take $20 out of the bank to get back home again. I don't mind that he didn't let me get away with getting a daily, but he didn't have to be so rude about it. Not for 15 cents. 5 cents if it wasn't for the New Zealand coin.

Anyway, it really put a damper on my morning.

It's not even that big of a deal, I suppose. Just a small thing, really. The rest of the day went much better, so don't mind me. I'm just having a whinge.