20 May 2010

mums are girls and dads are boys

I had a pretty good day today, overall. My good friend, jestar goes to this mother's group and she was saying how the place needed more helpers to look after the kids while the mothers talked, and so invited me to come along so I could be a helper. I decided to come along and I got a lot out of the experience. I think I will continue volunteering there for the time being while my Thursdays are free.

I don't really understand people who don't like kids. Is frustrated by kids, is confounded by kids, is worn out by kids, is overwhelmed by kids, is scared of kids, does not relate to kids, is not good with kids, yeah, those are all things I get. Don't like kids? How is that possible? These creatures, all completely human creatures, all possessing human genius and imagination, but who have not learned to be held back by self-imposed social restrictions.

They were all beautiful, each in their own individual way.

One highlight:

Girl1: Did you know... I'm a girl, and my mum's also a girl!
Me: Yeah?
Girl2: Yeah! And, and, my mum's also a girl, and I'm a girl, too!
Girl1: But my dad's a boy.
Girl2: Yeah, my dad's a boy, too.
Girl1: I think it's because mums are girls and dads are boys.
Me: That's very true. I also have a mum who is a girl and a dad who is a boy.

Afterwards I went back with jestar to her house and hung out with her. She's a wonderful friend and I love spending time with her. It was a pretty good day.

However, not so good is that today mum was saying that I might have to choose between going to Castlemaine with her, or Sydney with dad, if I can't find a way to support myself so I can stay in Melbourne.

Which sucks.

18 May 2010


I had lots of fragmented dreams last night, as a result of a fragmented sleep, probably a result of sleeping on the floor of a different house. I can't really remember the earlier ones, but the last one was that I was a stealthy assassin. And there was also one where something was happening, I don't remember what, but then I decided I would start flying, so I started flying, and then I said to myself, "I forgot I could lucid-dream!" and then I started flying through glass windows, because when I lucid-dream, I fly through glass windows. Because flying and being able to go through glass seem to be my lucid-dreaming super powers.

17 May 2010

My week

Saturday: Went to a 21st. It was a lot of fun, got to chat with some friends, as well as met a couple of people for the first time.

Sunday: Went to a friend's house after her husband got into a car accident. And also went to church.

Today: I'm at my friend's house while my mum's giving her husband a lift to the hospital. My friend is lying with her toddler until he gets to sleep. I will stay the night and walk to class in the morning from here.

Wednesday: Going to hang out with a (different) friend after class and then going to go to bible study.

Saturday: Going to the city to meet up with some friends I know from the internet. I've met them in person once before. One of them is from America.

Sunday: There's some open forum happening before church, something about gender equality from a biblical/Christian perspective, I think, which sounds interesting, so I think I will go to that. Then, church.

The baby's still not asleep. I have a feeling it may be a long night.

11 May 2010

Just stuff

I feel like updating, but not really sure what to blog about. Well, one thing I could blog about is this game/story-telling program that I'm really getting into. I won't explain what it is, here, but you can check it out at this site. I'll tell you one thing, it's really fun! Also, time-consuming when I should be doing my myths and symbols homework, instead.

Church has become the highlight of my week. I've only really been going recently since the end of last year, to be honest, I went through a phase when I was being really lazy about church for a few years before then, there were a couple of reasons, but not really ones that were "good enough" to not go to church. I have always known that church was an important part of my relationship with God, but it's too easy to get lazy about it. Recently I decided to stop being lazy about it, and I'm glad because that decision has been bringing me a lot of joy.

So... yeah, church is basically the highlight of my week. I remember when it was the highlight of my week before my "lazy period", too.

There is a birthday party I'm going to this weekend, which I'm looking forward to. And then another one a fortnight from then.

I'm trying to not like a certain fellow so much, (not that he doesn't deserve my interest, but that he doesn't seem to share it, and I don't want to go through that whole "unrequited infatuation" thing that has always been my lot in life.) It's hard when he goes around being a remarkable person and then when a group of people decide to go out for dinner after church (it's an evening service) the one person there who knows about my feelings is all like, "Oh, you can sit on the couch bit if you want (metaphorical wink)," which happens to be right next to where he's already sitting. Hmmf.

Lots of people are having babies. Or have just had babies.

I should probably be doing homework right now.

Until next time.