30 June 2010


I've been wanting to update my blog but haven't really been sure what I wanted to write about. That is, there have been plenty of things that have happened that I could write about and have thought about writing about, but ended up deciding against it for one reason or another.

One thing I'm happy to write about is this game I've become addicted to, Torchlight. It's very similar to Diablo in gameplay but without giving me nightmares of demons slaughtering my family. (No, I didn't find Diablo scary when I played it but some of the imagery occasionally seeped into my sleep. I had to force myself to stop playing it.) Instead of some hidden catacombs underneath a church where generations of demons have been breeding for centuries unbeknownst to the surrounding town, it's a recently discovered mine of some magical ore where monsters have recently been emerging from some ancient civilization, or something? Anyway, same gameplay as Diablo but the imagery is less religious, which makes it for more relaxed and less blasphemous play on my part. And it has its own unique charm, too, is even a little steampunky at times which I love!

What Torchlight has been giving me is, if not nightmares, then headaches. It is an issue with me when I get addicted to a computer game. I spend too much time playing it and all that time focussing intently on a computer screen gives me headaches. It's always a toss-up for me when I have to decide whether getting a headache is worth another hour or so of fun, addicting play. I might take it a bit easier, today, but we'll see how I go. (Just so you know, I am on holidays at the moment.)

Hm... another thing I could write about is that I'm going to my sister's tomorrow and then staying there until the end of the weekend. I'm very excited, I can't wait to play on her X-box and her Playstation 3 on her hi-def widescreen TV... oh, and to spend time with my sister, of course... :p

Actually, the reason I'm going over is to housesit so I can look after her gorgeous cat and her birds, but she's invited me to come over a couple of days earlier so we can spend some time together before she and her husband go away. It's also her birthday on Monday, so tomorrow (Thursday) Mum, my sister, her husband and I are going to go out for dinner, although I don't know where, yet.