24 January 2011

Pizza and Pancakes

Pancakes were good, a lot of people turned up and they seemed to be enjoying themselves and their pancakes. Um... I hope, anyway?

So what did I get for my birthday? As mentioned before, I got a kindle, I also got this nice, green jug thing which would be good when I move! Also these ice cream cups designed to eat ice cream out of (I've already used them twice), and a pillow and a notebook and a whole lot of gift cards, a book called "The Writing Class", and a desk calender with encouraging notes written on them.

I think that's it... thereabouts.

I've also decided that I definitely want to see "The King's Speech" and that I want to see it with a specific person, although that specific person doesn't know it, yet.

I'm at my mum's place in the country at the moment. She came over for pancakes and I decided to go with her to stay with her for a couple of days, and she's making pizza at the moment.

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